Jim Hockaday was born again at four years of age. Experiencing the call of God at this time and the desire to preach, Jim led many to the Lord during his childhood. After graduation from Wheaton College in 1983, he has traveled and ministered with various musical groups including: Spurlows, Truth, and Living Word Singers.
Jim attended Rhema Bible Training Center and graduated in 1988. Immediately following graduation he joined the Rhema Singers and Band and traveled extensively with Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin for nearly seven years; during the last several years he had the management responsibility for the Group. Jim was the coordinator of Prayer and Healing School for Kenneth Hagin Ministries, completing his tenth year in May 2004. He founded Jim Hockaday Ministries, Inc. in 1991, and now travels and ministers full time in churches at home and abroad.
An author of several books; the mainstay of his ministry continues to be the book entitled Until I Come. Jim emphasizes building an expectancy for any believer to do the works of JESUS. His quote, “The miraculous is a necessity so expect the impossible.”
Jim, his wife Erin (1991 graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center and member of The Rhema Singers and Band for two and a half years), and daughters Alli, Drew and Chloe reside in the Tulsa area.
After graduating from Rhema Bible Training College in 1986, Leigh Ann moved to Evansville, IN where she served as the youth pastor for six years. In 1992 she resigned her position and returned to Kenneth Hagin Ministries serving in the Prayer and Healing Center.
While teaching and leading worship for both Prayer and Healing School, she maintained her position as the Prayer Group Coordinator. Leigh Ann had the honor of traveling and ministering with Kenneth E. Hagin on his crusade team as a member of the Rhema Singers and Band. Currently, Leigh Ann and her husband, Jerry, have begun a church in Rockwall, Texas called Momentum Church.
Having completed three decades in ministry, the mandate continues with a stronger sense of purpose and intense passion for prayer and healing, Soesbee Ministries International continues to grow as they travel extensively throughout the world preaching and demonstrating the reality of knowing Him.
John 14:17, “The Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.”
After graduating from Rhema Bible Training College in 1986, Leigh Ann moved to Evansville, IN where she served as the youth pastor for six years. In 1992 she resigned her position and returned to Kenneth Hagin Ministries serving in the Prayer and Healing Center.
While teaching and leading worship for both Prayer and Healing School, she maintained her position as the Prayer Group Coordinator. Leigh Ann had the honor of traveling and ministering with Kenneth E. Hagin on his crusade team as a member of the Rhema Singers and Band. Currently, Leigh Ann and her husband, Jerry, have begun a church in Rockwall, Texas called Momentum Church.
Having completed three decades in ministry, the mandate continues with a stronger sense of purpose and intense passion for prayer and healing, Soesbee Ministries International continues to grow as they travel extensively throughout the world preaching and demonstrating the reality of knowing Him.
John 14:17, “The Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.”